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預切蔬菜 Pre-Cut Vegetables

預切蔬菜 Pre-Cut Vegetables

加工蔬菜品為商議貨品, 請聯絡我們索取報價資料。

Tailored vegetable product price is negotiated, please contact us for price details.


產品圖片無法全部列出,請聯繫我們查詢庫存/預訂。Products photos cannot be listed all, please contact us for stock or pre-order. 部分蔬菜供應視季節而定,請聯繫我們獲取準確的供應詳情。Some vegetable supply depends on the season, please contact us for accurate supply details.


結帳後您可以下載我們的產品列表(免費)。You can download our the product list after checking out (No charge).


請在下面找到我們提供示例產品。Please find the some example products we provided below.

Peeled Corn去皮玉米
Peeled Shallot 紅蔥頭肉
皇菜(切) Ceylon Spinach (Cut)
椰菜(切) Cabbage (Cut)
羅白肉(切) Peeled Radish (Cut)
西椰菜(切) Cauliflower (Cut)
紅圓椒(切) Red Pepper (Cut)
黃圓椒(切) Yellow Pepper (Cut)
紅蘿蔔肉(切) Peeled Carrot (Cut)
薯仔肉(切) Peeled Potato (Cut)
青蘿白肉(切) Peeled Green Radish (Cut)
冬瓜肉(切) Peeled Winter Melon (Cut)
蔥肉(切) Spring Oinion (Cut)
薑肉(切) Peeled Ginger (Cut)
菜心(切) Flowering Cabbage (Cut)
芥蘭(切) Chinese Kale (Cut)
小唐菜(切) Small Chinese Cabbage (Cut)
青瓜(切) Cumcuber (Cut)
沙拉菜包(羅文菜、九芽菜、紅毛菜)(切) Salad (LolloRosso, Frisee & Romaine)
蘿文菜(切) Romaine (Cut)
紅毛菜(切) LolloRosso (Cut)
九芽菜(切) Frisee (Cut)
鮮淮山(切) Yam (Cut)
紅菜頭(切) Beetroot (Cut)
椰菜花(切) Califlower (Cut)
西椒(切) Green Pepper (Cut)
茄瓜(切) Eggplant (Cut)
西蘭花(切朵) Brocoil (Flower cut)
合掌瓜肉 Peeled Sicyos edulis
南瓜肉 Peeed Pumpkin
蓮藕肉 Peeled Lotus Root
薯仔肉 Peeled Potato
蕃薯肉 Peeled Sweet Potato
涼瓜肉 Peeled Bitter Gourd
節瓜肉 Peeled Zucchini
沙葛肉 Peeled Yam Beans
粉葛肉 Peeled Kudzu
蘿蔔肉 Peeled Radish
蘿蔔絲 Peeled Radish (Slice)
青蘿蔔肉 Peeled Green Radish
紅蘿蔔肉 Peeled Carrot
紅蘿蔔絲 Peeled Carrot (Slice)
乾蔥肉蓉 Spring Onion (Mashed)
彊肉蓉 Ginger (Mashed)
彊肉 Peeled Ginger
蔥肉 Cut Spring Onion
洋蔥肉 Peeled Onion
芋頭肉 Peeled Taro
馬蹄肉 Peeled Water Chestnut
四季豆肉 Peeled Green beans
荷豆肉 Snow Pea
蜜糖豆肉 Sugar snap Peas
蒜肉 Peeled Garlic
蒜肉蓉 Mashed Garlic
乾蔥肉 Peeled Shallot
乾蔥肉蓉 Mashed Shallot
彊肉蓉 Ginger (Mashed)
西芹(切) Celery (Cut)
南瓜肉(切) Peeled Pumpkin (Cut)
毛瓜肉/節瓜肉(切) Peeled Zucchini (Cut)
洋蔥肉(切) Peeled Onion (Cut)
木瓜肉 Peeled Papaya (Cut)
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